What you need to know about Modern Calligraphy


Is calligraphy really the same as cursive writing? I keep seeing people write such lovely letters on Facebook and Instagram—do they have a name for it? With the help of social media, calligraphy letters are growing in popularity these days, and you may be wondering what Modern Calligraphy actually entails. You’re at the right location! I’ll explain modern calligraphy and how to write modern calligraphy to you in this post, along with what it isn’t and how it differs from traditional calligraphy.


To put it simply: Modern calligraphy is any calligraphy that is not performed in a traditional manner. Modern calligraphy alphabet differs from traditional calligraphy in that it has more freedom to express itself. A particular calligraphy style doesn’t require you to adhere to any rules or instructions. You can make your own with modern calligraphy. Due to Modern Calligraphy’s acceptance of flaws, there is no longer any concept of right or wrong, which makes it much simpler to comprehend and really exciting to master and learn modern calligraphy.

Steps to learn modern calligraphy

What Tools to Use

If you haven’t already, my first piece of advice is to buy your calligraphy supplies.

Tools to consider:

Oblique Holder – The holder simply provides a convenient way to keep your real writing instrument, the nib, at an angle. Although not necessary, an oblique holder has assisted in my improvement.

Ink – Most inks will work properly.

Good Paper: It’s crucial to choose a paper that won’t absorb too much liquid. 

Nib – Too flexible and it will be difficult to learn, while too rigid will demand a lot of energy.

1. Learn the Anatomy of Modern Calligraphy Letters
Once you have the necessary equipment, you must have a solid understanding of the construction of letters. You’ll generally begin with four lines for calligraphy:

Ascender: The tall lowercase letters and uppercase letters are shown by this (like a d or h)
X-height: This displays the size of a lowercase x. (and most other lowercase letters)
Standard: Typically, all letters will fit on this line.
Descender: The tail of a lowercase g or y is an example of a letter that has a descender at the bottom of it.

2. Basic Strokes and Modern Calligraphy Alphabet Formation
The two basic strokes are the upstroke, which is a light stroke made only with the tip, and the downstroke, which is a slightly pressed stroke that gets softer as you go closer to the baseline. These two strokes, which you will practice with your practice sheets, are what most Modern calligraphy letters are composed of.

Different modern calligraphy alphabets and letters require slightly different strokes. Take the letter “m” as an example. The upstroke has a softly pressured hairline, and the final three strokes are a light downstroke followed by a light upstroke.

3. Try Different Words and Phrases
The real fun begins now: practicing. It can take some time to find the angles you want and the precise amount of pressure required to get the perfect weight on your letters, but practice and elegance are essential to mastering modern calligraphy.

Start by jotting down a variety of different words or expressions. Play around with your letters’ size, weight, amount of “bounce,” and other aspects of your lettering (like all uppercase or even block letters). Play around with how your piece is put together; it doesn’t have to be written in a straight line like a book page.

Write in a circle, stagger words, or place a phrase in the middle of your page to produce an interesting sentence.