Why buying Instagram followers isn’t worth the risk

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over one billion active users. For businesses and individuals looking to grow their following and increase their engagement, Instagram can be a powerful tool. However, the temptation to buy Instagram followers is high, with many websites and services offering to sell followers for a price. At the same time, it may seem like a quick and easy way to increase your following, but buying Instagram followers is not worth the risks. In this blog post, we will explore the risks of buying Instagram followers, their effects on your account, and alternatives to buying followers that can help you build a genuine and engaged following.

Why Buy Instagram Followers?

Before we dive into why you comprar seguidores instagram let’s first understand why people choose to buy followers on Instagram in the first place. The reasons may vary depending on the individual or business, but here are some common motivations:

Increased Social Proof: 

Having substantial followers on Instagram can serve as social proof, indicating that your account is credible, popular, and worth following. When other users see a high follower count, they are more likely to view your content as valuable and trustworthy, leading to increased engagement and potential new followers.

Higher Engagement Rates: 

A larger following on Instagram can result in higher engagement rates, including likes, comments, and shares. A higher engagement rate signals to the Instagram algorithm that your content is engaging and relevant, increasing visibility in the Explore page or hashtag searches and attracting more followers.

Improved Brand Credibility: 

For businesses and influencers, a significant Instagram following can enhance brand credibility and attract potential customers or brand collaborations. Brands often look for influencers with a large and engaged following to promote their products or services, and a higher follower count can give you an edge in securing brand partnerships.

Potential Business Opportunities: 

A large Instagram following can open up various business opportunities, such as sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or selling products or services. A significant following can give you a wider reach and audience, leading to potential revenue-generating opportunities.

The Risks of Buying Instagram Followers

The risk of getting banned 

Instagram’s terms of service prohibit purchasing followers, likes, and comments. Your account could be banned or suspended if Instagram detects that you have purchased followers. This could result in losing all your content, followers, and engagement on the platform. Buying followers violates Instagram’s community guidelines and can harm your reputation and credibility.

The risk of losing engagement and credibility 

Buying Instagram followers can decrease engagement rate, as these followers are typically fake accounts or bots that do not engage with your content. This can harm your credibility and reputation, as Instagram users and potential followers can easily detect it. Having many followers but low engagement can signal to potential customers or partners that your account is not genuine or trustworthy.

The risk of wasting money 

Buying Instagram followers can be expensive, with many services charging high prices for many followers. However, these followers are often fake accounts or bots that do not provide any value to your account. This can result in a waste of money that could have been invested in more effective marketing strategies or genuine growth tactics.

The risk of damaging your brand image 

Having many fake followers can damage your brand image and reputation. It can signal to potential customers or partners that your account is not authentic and that your products or services may not be trustworthy. This can harm your ability to attract new customers or partners and lead to a decline in sales or engagement.

The Effects of Buying Instagram Followers

Low engagement rates 

As mentioned earlier, buying Instagram followers can lead to a decrease in engagement rate. This is because these followers are typically fake accounts or bots that do not engage with your content. Low engagement rates can harm your ability to reach a wider audience on Instagram and lead to a decline in visibility over time.

Fewer sales or conversions 

Having many fake followers may not translate into increased sales or conversions. It can harm your ability to attract genuine customers interested in your products or services. Potential customers may be deterred by a lack of engagement or many fake followers, leading to declining sales or conversions.

Damage to your reputation 

Buying Instagram followers can harm your reputation and credibility on the platform. It can signal potential customers or partners that your account is not genuine or trustworthy, leading to a decline in sales or partnerships over time. Additionally, having many fake followers can harm your ability to build relationships with genuine followers and engage with them.

Negative impact on your brand image 

Having many fake followers can damage your brand image and reputation. It can signal to potential customers or partners that your account is not authentic and that your products or services may not be trustworthy. This can harm your ability to attract genuine followers interested in your brand and lead to a decline in brand loyalty over time.

How to Build a Real and Engaged Instagram Following

If you want to build a genuine and engaged Instagram following, there are several tactics you can use that do not involve buying followers. Here are some effective strategies for growing your Instagram following:

Content creation and curation 

Creating high-quality and engaging content is essential for building a genuine and engaged Instagram following. Your content should be visually appealing, relevant to your brand, and provide value to your followers. Use a mix of photos, videos, and graphics to keep your content fresh and interesting. Additionally, you can curate content from other accounts that align with your brand’s values and interests to provide additional value to your followers.

Hashtag research and usage 

Using relevant and targeted hashtags can help increase your reach and visibility on Instagram. Research popular hashtags in your niche or industry and use them in your posts to attract new followers interested in your content. Additionally, you can create your own branded hashtags to encourage user-generated content and increase engagement with your followers.

Consistency and frequency of posting 

Posting consistently and frequently is important for building a genuine and engaged Instagram following. Determine a posting schedule that works for you and sticks to it. Use Instagram analytics to determine the best times to post for maximum engagement with your followers.

Interaction with followers 

Engaging with your followers on Instagram is key to building a genuine and engaged following. Respond to comments and messages promptly, like and comment on posts from other accounts in your niche, and participate in Instagram contests and challenges to increase engagement with your followers.

Alternatives to Buying Instagram Followers

If you are looking for alternatives to buying Instagram followers, here are some effective strategies for growing your Instagram following:

Influencer partnerships and collaborations 

Partnering with influencers in your niche or industry can help increase your reach and visibility on Instagram. Collaborate with influencers to create sponsored content or host giveaways encouraging user-generated content and increasing brand engagement.

Instagram Ads Using Instagram 

Ads can help increase your reach and visibility on the platform. Instagram Ads allow you to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors and can help attract new followers interested in your content.

Organic growth through engaging content and audience building 

The tactics mentioned earlier, such as creating high-quality and engaging content, using relevant hashtags, posting consistently and frequently, and engaging with your followers, can help you build a genuine and engaged Instagram following over time.

Hiring a social media manager or agency 

If you do not have the time or resources to manage your Instagram account effectively, consider hiring a social media manager or agency. A social media manager or agency can help you develop a content strategy, manage your posting schedule, and engage with your followers to help you build a genuine and engaged Instagram following.


Buying Instagram followers may seem like a quick and easy way to increase your following, but it is not worth the risks. The risks of getting banned, losing engagement and credibility, wasting money, and damaging your brand image outweigh any potential benefits. Instead, focus on building a genuine and engaged Instagram following through effective content creation and curation, hashtag research and usage, consistency and frequency of posting, and interaction with your followers. Consider alternatives such as influencer partnerships and collaborations, Instagram Ads, organic growth through engaging content and audience building, or hiring a social media manager or agency to help you achieve your Instagram marketing goals. Building a genuine and engaged following takes time and effort, but it is well worth the investment in the long run.