Commercial Solar Panel Installation: What to Consider Before You Install

Solar Panel installation

As more businesses become environmentally conscious, installing commercial solar panels has become a popular trend among companies. With its long-term benefits and cost savings, it’s not hard to see why. However, there are important factors that need to be considered before making the decision to install.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of commercial solar panel installation and what factors need to be taken into account before installation. We’ll also compare commercial solar panel installation to residential installations, how to choose a commercial solar installation company, and the 5 stages involved in building a commercial solar project.

Additionally, we’ll provide information on how long the installation process takes and recommend the best solar panels for small and medium-sized businesses. Lastly, we’ll explain why Ohio Valley Solar is the best choice for your commercial solar panel needs with their experience and track record, local support, dedication to customer service, and quality of their solar panels.

Benefits of Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Commercial solar panel installation offers various benefits, such as reduced energy costs, increased efficiency, and decreased greenhouse gas emissions. The panels generate power through the sun’s energy, which helps you to save money on electricity bills year-round. Solar panels are also an eco-friendly alternative that reduces your carbon footprint and mitigates the impact of your business activities on the environment.

However, before installing commercial solar panels in your business, it is essential to consider factors such as your business needs and requirements, the type of panels that suit your business, cost and timeline of the project. Consult a professional solar panel installation company to ensure that you make informed decisions every step of the way. With proper planning and expert assistance, you can install commercial solar panels that provide long-lasting benefits for both your business and the environment.

Factors to Consider Before Installing Commercial Solar Panels

Before investing in commercial solar panels, there are important factors to consider. Location plays a significant role in the installation of commercial solar panels as it impacts the amount of sunlight received. The orientation of the building and angle of the sun must be taken into account when selecting an installation location. System size is another essential factor to consider, ensuring that the system aligns with your business’s energy needs.

To ensure proper installation, appropriate equipment and installation tools such as mounting hardware and inverters must be obtained. Financing options are also crucial for installing commercial solar panels, and rates should be discussed with an experienced installer. Finally, it’s essential to keep up with maintenance requirements for optimal performance by regularly inspecting and cleaning the panels. By considering these factors beforehand, you can make informed decisions about your commercial solar panel investment.

1. The Condition of Your Facility

Before proceeding with a commercial solar panel installation, it’s important to consider several factors. One of the most critical factors to consider is the condition of your facility. It’s essential to assess the state of your building before installing solar panels to identify any potential obstacles that need to be addressed.

If your facility is in poor condition, it may be difficult or impossible to install solar panels. The type of roofing and walls of your facility can also affect the feasibility of installing solar panels. For example, if your facility has an old or damaged roof, you may need to replace it before installing solar panels.

Assessing the condition of your facility before installing solar panels will help you identify any necessary repairs or upgrades needed to make the installation process smoother and more efficient. This will ultimately result in a more successful installation and long-term operation for your commercial solar panel system.

2. The Impact of Solar Installation on Your Facility

Before installing commercial solar panels, there are several factors to consider. One factor to take into account is the impact that solar installation will have on your facility. This can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the type of solar panel system you choose and the size and layout of your facility.

The impact of solar installation on your facility can be significant, but it can also provide numerous benefits. In addition to reducing energy costs and carbon emissions, solar panels can improve the value and sustainability of your building.

It’s important to consider installation costs as well, which can vary depending on the size and complexity of your project. However, with many incentives available for commercial solar installations, the long-term savings and benefits often outweigh the initial investment.

3. The Infrastructure of Your Electricity

When considering installing commercial solar panels, understanding the infrastructure of your electricity is crucial. This includes knowing the type of wires and connectors used in your building and understanding the wattage requirements of your equipment and inverter. Once you have this information, you can begin planning your installation.

It’s important to keep in mind that there are a variety of factors that must be considered when installing commercial solar panels. Hiring a professional to help guide you through the process is highly recommended for a successful installation. With proper planning and guidance, commercial solar panels can greatly benefit your business financially while also reducing its carbon footprint.

4. The Load Profile of Your Facility

When it comes to installing commercial solar panels, one important factor to consider is the load profile of your facility. This refers to the amount of energy that your facility uses at different times throughout the day. To determine your load profile, you can use a watt meter to measure the power use of specific areas of your facility.

A low wattage area may require a smaller solar panel system, while a high wattage area may require a larger system. The type of roofing material also affects the wattage needed for your solar panels. For example, a metal roof may require more panels than a shingle roof due to its higher heat absorption.

By taking into account your facility’s load profile and roofing material, you can determine the size and type of solar panel system that is best suited for your needs. It’s important to work with an experienced installer who can help you make these calculations and ensure that your system is installed correctly for maximum efficiency and cost savings.

5. Future Facility Plans

When considering installing commercial solar panels, it’s important to take into account several factors. One of the most important is your future facility plans. This includes planned expansion, new facilities, and changes to the energy needs of your business. You’ll also need to consider your location and the availability of solar resources.

Another important factor is the cost of solar panel installation. Solar power systems can be expensive upfront, but they offer significant savings in the long run. It’s important to weigh the costs and benefits before making a decision.

Ultimately, installing commercial solar panels can provide significant benefits for your business, including reduced energy costs and a smaller carbon footprint. By considering these factors before installation, you can ensure that you make the best decision for your business both now and in the future.

Commercial Solar Panel Installation vs. Residential Solar Panel Installation

Commercial solar panel installation is a more complex process than residential solar panel installation due to the size and scope of the project. Commercial panels are installed on larger, more visible surfaces such as rooftops or parking lots. Additionally, commercial solar panels require more maintenance than residential panels because they’re exposed to more wear and tear from weather and other factors. On top of that, commercial solar panels typically have a longer lifespan than residential panels.

On the other hand, residential solar panel installation is the most popular type of solar panel installation, mainly because it’s affordable and easy to install. Homeowners can get access to rebates, tax credits, and other incentives that significantly reduce the cost of solar panel installation. Nonetheless, before you decide to install any type of solar panel, there are various factors to consider including energy requirements, budget constraints, location considerations, and design preferences.

Choosing Commercial Solar Installation Companies

When considering installing commercial solar panels, selecting the right installation company is crucial. It’s important to choose an experienced and reputable commercial solar installation company that has fulfilled similar projects in the past. Check the customer reviews and feedback ratings of the company before making a final decision.

Moreover, it’s essential to ensure that the installation company has all the necessary permits and licenses required to install your solar panels. Inquire about their pricing structure and how it will be structured over time. Before deciding on an installation company, discuss your specific business requirements with them thoroughly. A good commercial solar panel installation company will provide you with customized plans that meet both your energy needs and financial objectives.

5 Stages of Building a Commercial Solar Project

Building a commercial solar project can be broken down into five stages. Firstly, conduct a feasibility study to determine the estimated cost and benefits of installing a commercial solar system. Secondly, hire a qualified solar contractor to design and install your commercial solar system. Thirdly, once the installation is complete, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for operation and maintenance to keep it functioning efficiently.

Fourthly, obtain certification from trusted organizations like SEIA or NREL to prove that your commercial solar system is compliant with national renewable energy standards. Finally, research applicable tax credits and rebates that could help you save money on your commercial solar project. By following these steps, you can ensure that your commercial solar project is set up for success and meets all necessary requirements.

Stage 1: Site Assessment

Building a commercial solar project involves several stages that must be carefully planned and executed. The first stage of the process is conducting a site assessment. This involves assessing your property to identify the best location for your solar system, taking into account factors such as sunlight exposure, climate, and orientation.

A thorough site assessment will help you determine if your property is suitable for solar installation and ensure that the installation will be compatible with your specific site. It’s important to consider all aspects of your property before proceeding with the next stages of building your commercial solar project to ensure a successful installation.

Stage 2: System Design

Stage 2 of building a commercial solar project is system design. During this stage, the layout of the solar system is planned and the necessary components are estimated. The design will also determine the size and type of solar panels needed for the installation.

The system design is crucial to ensure that the solar panel installation is efficient and effective. It includes determining the best location for the panels and calculating how much electricity they will generate. The design will also account for any shading or obstructions that could affect performance.

Once the system design is finalized, installation can begin. It’s important to have a professional team handle the installation process to ensure that everything is done correctly and safely. Proper installation ensures that the solar panel system operates efficiently and provides maximum energy savings for your commercial property.

Stage 3: Procurement and Installation

The procurement and installation stage is a critical part of the commercial solar project process. Before installing your solar panels, it’s important to understand the different types of solar panels and their specific installation requirements. Factors to consider include the climate of your building’s location and the type of roofing you have.

Procurement and installation can be complex processes, so it’s important to have a qualified contractor on your team to ensure that everything is done correctly. The final stage of your commercial solar project involves installing the panels and connecting them to the grid. This requires coordination with local utilities, as well as adherence to safety regulations and standards. With careful planning and execution during this stage, you can maximize the benefits of your new commercial solar system.

Stage 4: Testing and Commissioning

Stage 4 of building a commercial solar panel installation is testing and commissioning. After the solar panels are installed, it is important to test the system to ensure that it is functioning properly. Commissioning your solar panels can help to ensure that everything in the system is functioning as expected, and that you are receiving the benefits that you anticipated.

During Stage 4, you will commission the inverters, monitors, and other equipment that will be monitoring and controlling your solar system. This stage is essential if you want to keep your investment safe and ensure that your solar project is running smoothly. Testing and commissioning your commercial solar panel installation can provide peace of mind knowing that your system is operating at peak efficiency.

Stage 5: Maintenance

The final stage of building a commercial solar project is maintenance, which is crucial for the ongoing operation and longevity of the system. During this stage, tasks such as cleaning and inspecting the solar panels, checking the inverter, and repairing or replacing any damaged components are performed. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that your solar project operates smoothly and avoids costly repairs.

By keeping up with maintenance tasks, you can also extend the lifespan of your solar panels and ensure that they continue to operate at maximum efficiency. It’s important to work with a reputable installer who will provide ongoing support and maintenance services to keep your commercial solar project running smoothly for years to come.

How Long Does A Commercial Solar Panel Installation Take?

The duration of commercial solar panel installation can vary depending on several factors. The size of your property, the number of panels required, and the complexity of the project can all impact installation time. A typical commercial solar panel installation can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Before starting the installation process, it’s important to assess the needs of your property and select appropriate equipment. Hiring qualified and experienced contractors is essential to guarantee a successful installation. Weather reports and other local data can help ensure the safety of workers and equipment during the installation process.

It’s crucial to be vigilant during installation to guarantee everything runs smoothly. This includes monitoring progress, ensuring that deadlines are met, and making sure that any issues encountered are resolved efficiently. By taking these considerations into account beforehand, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful commercial solar panel installation.

Best Solar Panels For Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMEs)

Solar panels have emerged as a popular means of generating electricity for businesses. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can benefit from commercial solar panel installation in many ways. However, it’s essential to choose the right solar panel system that suits your business’s needs. Consider the size and layout of your business and compare the costs and benefits of different types of solar panels.

While deciding on commercial solar panel installation, choose an experienced contractor who can install the system efficiently. Always ensure that you get a warranty on your solar panel system to avoid any potential financial loss in case any damage occurs during the installation process or later on. Making these considerations beforehand will help you make an informed decision about installing a solar panel system for your SME business.

Why Choose Ohio Valley Solar?

Ohio Valley Solar is a leading commercial solar panel installation company with an excellent team of experienced solar professionals. We provide customized solutions to help businesses choose the best solar panels for their unique needs. Our wide range of solar panel systems caters to various business sizes and types with different energy requirements.

At Ohio Valley Solar, we understand that installing a solar panel can be expensive, so we offer a variety of financing options to fit your budget. Our services come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which ensures that you receive the highest quality service possible. Contact us today to get started on your commercial solar panel installation journey!

Ohio Valley Solar’s experience and track record

When it comes to choosing a company for your commercial solar panel installation, Ohio Valley Solar is a top choice. This family-owned and operated business has been installing commercial solar panels for over 20 years, giving them a wealth of experience and knowledge in the industry.

Ohio Valley Solar offers a variety of services, including rooftop solar installations, large-scale solar projects, and energy consulting. Their team of experts is available 24/7 to help you choose the best solar solution for your business. What’s more, Ohio Valley Solar has a proven track record of success with past projects and satisfied customers.

Choosing Ohio Valley Solar for your commercial solar panel installation means choosing a company with experience, expertise, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Local and regional support for Ohio Valley Solar

If you’re considering installing commercial solar panels, Ohio Valley Solar is a great choice. As a locally owned and operated company with over 20 years of experience, Ohio Valley Solar provides comprehensive installation services throughout the Akron, Canton, Cleveland, and Youngstown areas. In addition to top-notch installation services, Ohio Valley Solar also provides ongoing support and maintenance to its customers.

With a focus on high-quality solar panels and outstanding customer service, Ohio Valley Solar has earned a reputation as one of the best solar installers in the region. Whether you are looking to reduce your energy bills or simply want to make a positive impact on the environment, Ohio Valley Solar can help you achieve your goals.

Ohio Valley Solar’s dedication to customer service

Ohio Valley Solar is a family-owned and operated business that has been dedicated to providing quality service to the Columbus, Ohio area since 1978. The company’s team of experienced solar experts are committed to delivering personalized customer service and helping you choose the best solar system for your needs.

Ohio Valley Solar offers a variety of financing options and hassle-free installation processes, making it easy for customers to switch to solar energy. The company operates under the motto “saving people money one solar panel at a time,” reflecting its commitment to providing cost-effective solutions for customers looking to save money on their energy bills. Consider choosing Ohio Valley Solar for your commercial solar panel installation needs, and experience their dedication to customer satisfaction firsthand.

The quality of Ohio Valley Solar’s solar panels

If you’re considering a commercial solar panel installation, Ohio Valley Solar is a top choice. With years of experience in the industry, Ohio Valley Solar offers a wide range of services and has a reputation for providing excellent customer service.

One factor that sets Ohio Valley Solar apart from other companies is the quality of their solar panels. Their panels are some of the highest quality available on the market and come with a warranty to ensure long-lasting performance. Additionally, Ohio Valley Solar offers financing options to fit everyone’s needs, making it easier for businesses to switch to solar energy. Overall, choosing Ohio Valley Solar for your commercial solar panel installation ensures high-quality workmanship and reliable performance for years to come.


Before you take the leap into commercial solar panel installation, you need to consider several factors that can impact your facility’s overall performance. These include the condition of your facility, your electricity infrastructure, and future facility plans.

It is also essential to choose a reputable commercial solar installation company that has experience in creating customized solar solutions for businesses like yours. Ohio Valley Solar has a proven track record of delivering high-quality solar panel installations for small and medium-sized businesses.

We are committed to providing local and regional support for our customers and maintaining exceptional customer service throughout the life of your solar panel system. To learn more about how Ohio Valley Solar can help your business go green, contact us today.