How to know if a store has joined the JIO Official Lottery of Receipts

Customers who purchase goods and services and merchants can take advantage of the new receipt lottery: there is time to comply with the legislation that provides for the electronic receipt. The extension of the receipt lottery, which should have come into force, was necessary to allow shops to equip themselves adequately: to do this, a modern cash register is needed, which will need to be updated to be able to read and send automatically the data of the KBC Jio lottery Whatsapp Number 2023, which must be scanned with the barcode reader supplied. Exhibitors can download, print and post one of the many posters made available on the official website to signal participation in the receipt lottery: below; you will find a facsimile of the poster to give an idea. Displaying the sign is not mandatory,

At the moment, only the shops can offer this service, while some shops are wholly excluded: to find out more information on this, you can consult our ad-hoc guide by clicking here.

Can I participate in the JIO Official lottery if I pay part cash, part cashless?

No, as mentioned above, it is possible to participate in the receipt lottery only if the entire amount is paid with electronic payment instruments. You need to be of age to be able to have the lottery code and participate in the lottery of receipts accordingly.

Do all my purchases allow me to enter the JIO Official lottery?

Not all purchases allow you to participate in the lottery. They don’t allow you to:

Can I participate in the raffle using a gift card for my purchases?

No, purchases made using a gift card cannot participate in the raffle; you can participate if you buy a gift card using electronic payment instruments.

Are there minimum or maximum spending limits to participate in the JIO Official Lottery?

Yes, you can participate in the lottery with all receipts of or more issued for cashless purchases: you will receive a virtual ticket for every spent up to a maximum of virtual tickets for purchases.

If I participate in the JIO Official lottery, are my purchases tracked?

The receipt lottery does not allow tracking of your purchases. The Lottery System receives only data regarding the amount spent on the electronic payment method and your lottery code. This data is collected and stored in the database of the Lottery System and can be used exclusively by the Customs in the draws and to trace the person only in case of winning.

To whom is the data relating to my purchases provided?

Amounts, payment methods, and lottery codes relating to your purchases are processed electronically and conveyed to the database of the Lottery System to be used exclusively in the extractions and to trace the winner (through the combination of lottery codes).

How is the data relating to my purchases used in JIO Official Lottery?

The information regarding the purchase (amount, payment method, and lottery code) is used exclusively by the Lottery System of the KBC Lottery to generate virtual tickets that allow you to participate in the draws and trace the winner in case of winning.

How is the privacy of my purchases protected in the JIO Official Lottery?

The processing of your data – collected by individual merchants and sent electronically to the Lottery System database – is incompatible with any processing carried out for purposes other than participation in the lottery. It is no coincidence that, neither at the time of generating the lottery code nor at the time of purchase, the identification of who asks and who uses the lottery code is not foreseen. To minimize the processing of your data, you can obtain the lottery code by entering your tax code in the public or reserved area of ​​the Lottery Portal. The usability of your tax code to get the JIO Lottery Head Office Number 2023 is also verified by its available service to the Lottery System.       

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